Many times people that are moving to a new location wish to sell their piano rather than take it along. Too often the "move-day" arrives before the "piano-sale-day". For customers in these situations we offer the "Storage & Sale Option" for those pianos that appraise for $2000 or more.
To use this approach for selling an instrument, you should arrange for an Endorsement and appraisal of the piano. After we agree on a reasonable sale price, we will offer our piano moving services for transportation to our storage facility.
Moving is quoted separately as to the type of piano, distance, and difficulty of the move.
Storage of pianos starts at $60 for uprights & grands 6' & under. Grands 6'1" to 7'4" are $70 per month. Grands larger than 7'4" are $90 per month.
Grand pianos will generally require set-up services, for viewing by clients, which will be added to the cost of the eventual sale.
Sales commission for pianos stored less than 6 months is 15%, after which it will be considered as 10%.
Piano storage charges are to be paid in advance on a quarterly basis. Pianos having unpaid storage charges after 6 months are to be considered property of Fretter's Piano Service (a.k.a The Nashville Piano Room).